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My name is Kelly and I make buttons.


Before 2016, I'm ashamed to admit that I had not been politically active. I had never marched or protested or gotten involved with government or politics, other than voting. And then a terrible thing happened here in the US in November that year. As the button says, "My activism is now activated."


I know that there are a lot of other people who were in the same position. So I tried to provide a little bit of joy for this Resistance work by creating the Resistance Button Club.


For 4 years, members got a button in the mail that proclaimed their commitment to resisting the first tRump administration. You can see many of those buttons in my Shop.


Now that tRump is back in office, many folks have been asking me if I will bring back the Club... probably not. Its a lot of work and I am focusing in other places. But all of the buttons here are still for sale and I *will* be adding more... cause we're gonna need a lot of buttons.

If you are looking to "Do something," and you do not know where to start, google your city name and "Dems" and find your local Dem org. There are lots of other ways to get involved, but that's an easy place to start. Hold fast, ya'll.

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